To increase carers’ direct payment for 24/25 and 25/26 by up to £18 per hour to better enable families to employ personal assistants that deliver short breaks packages. This increase accounts for the consumer price index, inflation as well as the cost of living. Having undertaken benchmarking, the proposed rate is consistent with other local authorities.
Officers have consulted with parents reference groups, Full of Life and Make it Happen. Parents Forums have told us that by increasing the carer’s allowance to make it easier for families to recruit personal assistants, many more families are likely to want to convert from agency home care services to carer’s direct payments. Families have told us they want their children to benefit from support from skilled and consistent personal assistants including those who are friends or already known to the child.
This service decision in Short Breaks forms part of a review that is currently underway to further enhance practice, derive value for money in commissioning arrangements, develop an inclusion offer in universal youth services as well as improve and simplify processes within the service.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/03/2024
Decision due: 30 Apr 2024 by Bi-Borough Executive Director of Childrens Services
Lead director: Bi-Borough Executive Director of Childrens Services
Department: Children's Services
Contact: Annabel Saunders, Children's Commissioners Email: