Officer decisions

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Alternatively you can visit the decisions by Cabinet, committees, etc page for information on decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Officer decisions
Title Date
Piccadilly Underpass Ventilation Fans release of funds 12/12/2024
Acquisition of Passageway Land 11/12/2024
Unilateral Undertaking Variation - Westmead Development 11/12/2024
Tenancy at Will - City Carpets 11/12/2024
Westmead Hyperoptic Wayleave 11/12/2024
Westway Depot, 50 Harrow Road – Rent Review and Deed of Variation 10/12/2024
Rampayne Street – Tenancy at Will 09/12/2024
Granting a New Lease at 395 Edgware Road, (the property) and to enter into a rent deposit deed 05/12/2024
Allocation of Grant Funding to Surgery Practice 29/11/2024
Bayswater Road Public Conveniences – Demolition Enabling Works Licence 29/11/2024
Approval of short-term extension to Complex Occupational Therapy service contract 28/11/2024
Embankment Garden lease renewal 28/11/2024
Thames Water Deed of Easement - Balmoral Castle site 25/11/2024
Supported Housing Accommodation in W9 – Tenancy at Will 20/11/2024
Tenancy At Will - Kasco Trading 18/11/2024
36 Ravensbourne House - Acquisition and Disturbances 18/11/2024
WEG Car Park for Adpar Residents 18/11/2024
Agreement between Westminster City Council and Hyperoptic Ltd. to enter into a Wayleave agreement 14/11/2024
Tenancy At Will - City Carpets 13/11/2024
Church Street - Unilateral Undertaking regarding Non-Material Amendment Application 13/11/2024
Older People Day Opportunities Preventative Services: Direct Award of Contracts for 12 months (30 September 2024 – 1 October 2025) 11/11/2024
Church St CPO Notice of General Vesting Declaration 03/11/2024
Allocation of funding to dual diagnosis team 01/11/2024
Carlton Dene - Substation Lease 01/11/2024
Re-procurement of three Community Champions projects contracts due to expire during 2025: Churchill Gardens & Tachbrook, Harrow Road and Westbourne 31/10/2024
Greens Pharmacy - Ebury Vacant Possession 31/10/2024
Glastonbury House - Interim Relocation 30/10/2024
Glastonbury House - Green's Relocation 30/10/2024
Flats in W2 – Exercise of lease break options 29/10/2024
Moberly Sports Centre 29/10/2024
Carbon Offset Fund 28/10/2024
Church St Sindbad 21/10/2024
UKPN AFL Church Street Site A 18/10/2024
Ebury Phase 1 - PMEA Contract Variation 18/10/2024
Ebury Phase 1 - QS Contract Variation 18/10/2024
Deed of Surrender - Church St Cafe 17/10/2024
Scaffold Licence - Church Street Site A 15/10/2024
Ebury Phase 1 - Cundall (CMT) Contract Variation 15/10/2024
Tenancy At Will - Kasco Trading 07/10/2024
Hopkinson House Authority to Launch Procurement of MDCT 04/10/2024
300 Harrow Road Authority to Complete and Sign Legal Documents 02/10/2024
Temporary Lease Execution - Nursery to Diocese 01/10/2024
Renewal of Park Lane enterprise 19/09/2024
Renewal of lease at China Town car park - Vanguard Storage Central London Ltd 19/09/2024
Renewal of lease at China Town car park - East West Commercial Limited 19/09/2024
Community Priorities Programme Award Report 13/09/2024
New Service Desk Platform 10/09/2024
Ebury Bridge Renewal – Phase 1 Management Hub Works Deed of Variation 22/08/2024
300 Harrow Road Enterprise Space Operator Lease 20/08/2024
Seeking approval for the lease surrender of 33 Ebury Bridge Road (Mauro’s Hairdresser) 09/08/2024
Award of a Contract - Central London Inclusive Growth 08/08/2024
Surrender the Commercial Lease at Dudley House 08/08/2024
100 Shirland Road 05/08/2024
Church Street: Approval to Execute Site A Demolition Contract 26/07/2024
300 Harrow Road - Housing Management Services Agreement 24/07/2024
Church Street JV - Planning Application Submission 24/07/2024
The Triangle Project Church Street 18/07/2024
Community Hubs Programme: Mini-Hubs Pilot 08/07/2024
Nursery Letting in W2 04/07/2024
42 Ebury Bridge Road 01/07/2024
Wayleave Agreement - Carlton Dene Development 17/06/2024
VCS Core Funding Discretionary Grant Award 17/06/2024
Award of Dog Services Contract 07/06/2024
300 Harrow Road 19/10/2023