Venue: Westminster Council House, 97-113 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5PT
Contact: Janis Best, Committee and Councillor Support Manager s Email: Tel: 07971 920521
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Lord Mayor (a) To elect the Lord Mayor for the ensuing year.
(b) Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the newly elected Lord Mayor.
Minutes: 1.1 Proposed by Councillor Tim Roca and seconded by Councillor Aicha Less that Councillor Hamza Taouzzale be elected Lord Mayor of Westminster for the ensuing year.
1.2 Upon a show of hands, the Lord Mayor declared that Councillor Hamza Taouzzale had been elected Lord Mayor.
RESOLVED: That Councillor Hamza Taouzzale be elected Lord Mayor of Westminster for the ensuing year.
Councillor Hamza Taouzzale thereupon made and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Lord Mayor and of the Office of Deputy High Steward of Westminster. Having done so, he took the Chair and thanked the Council for his election and reported that his mother Soad El-Gharras and aunt Jasmine El-Gharras would be his Consorts.
To sign the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council meeting held on 2 March 2022.
Minutes: 2.1 RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 March 2022 were, with the assent of the Members present, signed by the Lord Mayor as a true record.
Lord Mayor's Communications (a) Notification by the Lord Mayor of appointment of the Lord Mayor’s Chaplain.
(b) Other Communications (if any).
Minutes: 3.1 The Lord Mayor read a statement of condolence on behalf of the City Council in memory of Andrew Havery, Councillor for Churchill Ward from 2002 to 2014, following which the Council observed a minute’s silence.
3.2 The Lord Mayor announced that he had appointed Imam Kabir Uddin MBEas his Chaplain. The Chaplain then led the Council in a moment of reflection.
Presentation of Past Lord Mayor's Badge and Vote of Thanks (a)
To present the past Lord Mayor’s badge and
other insignia (b) Vote of Thanks
Minutes: 4.1 Councillor Louise Hyams moved the Vote of Thanks to Councillor Andrew Smith and his Consort, Salma Shah. Councillor Jim Glen spoke to second the motion.
4.2 Motion put, and on a show of hands, the Lord Mayor Declared the motion CARRIED following which Councillor Smith replied.
1. That the Council resolved to record a Vote of Thanks to Councillor Andrew Smith for the distinguished service rendered by him as Lord Mayor and to his Consort, Salma Shah for the constant and invaluable help given by her as the Lord Mayor’s Consort.
2. We assure them of our gratitude for, and high appreciation of, the dignity and ability with which they have carried out their many duties in accordance with the highest traditions of the City and this Vote of Thanks be inscribed under the Common Seal and presented to them.
The Chief Executive to submit a return of Councillors elected for the 18 wards in the City at the elections held on 5 May 2022 and details of the notification received of Members of the Political Groups including Leaders, Deputy Leaders and Party Whips.
Additional documents: Minutes: 5.1 The report of the Chief Executive was noted.
Election of Leader of the Council To be moved by the Chief Whip of the Majority Party.
Minutes: 6.1 Proposed by Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg and seconded by Councillor Nafsika Butler-Thalassis that Councillor Adam Hug be elected Leader of the Council.
6.2 Motion put, and on a show of hands, declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED: That Councillor Adam Hug be elected Leader of the Council.
Delegations to Leader and Cabinet PDF 341 KB To consider and receive a report of the Chief Executive.
Additional documents: Minutes: 7.1 The report was noted.
Notification by the Leader of the Council of Cabinet Members and Related Matters PDF 363 KB To receive from the Leader of the Council, notification of:
(a) The Cabinet Members, including the Wards they represent and their delegated authorities;
(b) The terms of reference of the Cabinet and any Cabinet Committees;
(c) Any delegation of executive functions to any area committees or in any joint arrangements and delegations of executive functions to officers;
(d) To notify any Lead Members and the areas of responsibility.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 8.1 The report of the Leader of the Council was noted.
Constitutional Matters PDF 229 KB To receive and consider the report and recommendations of the Director of Law as to the appointment and proportional allocation of places on Standing Committees to the Political Groups on the Council in accordance with the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 (as amended) and as to the appointment of members to Committees in accordance with those regulations.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 9.1 The report of the Chief Executive and the Director of Law was submitted.
9.2 The Lord Mayor put the recommendations set out in the report to the vote and on a show of hands declared these to be AGREED.
1. That the number of seats appointed to on Standing Committees be amended as set out in 2 below and their Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix A be approved.
2. That the Council confirm the proportional division of seats on the Standing Committees as set out below.
3. That the Council note the Members appointed to the Standing Committees by the Chief Executive following notification received from the respective party Chief Whip under the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 as amended, set out in Appendix B, to be tabled.
4. That the Council’s Constitution, including the Scheme of Delegations to Officers in respect of Non-Executive functions, be endorsed.